contoh kalimat be down on
- I was down on B-1 . The shafts there are buckling.
Aku di bawa B1 - Their artillery will be down on us in seconds.
Artileri mereka akan membuat kita jatuh dalam hitungan detik. - I was down on the corner, waiting for him.
Aku berada di persimpangan, menunggunya. - Look, I gotta be down on the sidelines during the game.
Aku harus ada di sisi lapangan saat pertandingan. - May have been down on his luck.
Mungkin telah di atas keberuntungannya. - Don't you be down on dumpsters.
Jangan sampai jatuh di tempat sampah. - I couldn't see everything because I was down on the floor.
Aku tak bisa melihat semuanya sebab aku jatuh ke lantai. - It was down on the trail.
lt turun di jalan. - We've all been down on her.
Kami sudah mengunjungi semuanya. - I'd be down on the ground looking up at my body, no head, just walking around bumping into everything.
Aku berjalan menabrak apa pun. - Did you have to cuff him when he was down on the sidewalk there?
Apakah Anda harus manset ketika dia turun di trotoar di sana? - We don't know what happened to her while she was down on that planet.
Kita tak tahu yang terjadi padanya.... saat dia turun ke planet itu. - If it wasn't for me, you'd be down on the island eating bread crusts with the other V-1s.
Jika bukan karena aku, kau akan berada di pulau memakan pecahan roti bersama rakyat kecil. - A year ago, I met a man who was down on his luck and thought I might be able to help him.
Setahun lalu, aku bertemu seorang pria yang abaikan peruntungannya. Kurasa aku mampu menolongnya. - If I don't report in by morning... not only my people, but the entire Greek police will be down on you... like a load of bricks.
Jika aku tidak melapor pagi ini... bukan hanya "Orang-ku", tapi seluruh Polisi Yunani akan mencari diri-mu... "Sampai Ketemu". - He convinced the family of the new medium's possibilities and negotiated the purchase of a Model B Kinetoscope from a projectionist who was "down on his luck".
Dia yakin keluarga kemungkinan media baru dan menegosiasikan pembelian Model B Kinetoscope dari proyektor yang "di atas keberuntungannya". - We've been down on the canvas, but we're on our feet again, because we've got no choice and because our country needs us and because we've got what?
Kita telah di jatuhkan dari kanvas, tapi kita berdiri lagi, karena kita tidak ada pilihan, dan karena negara kita membutuhan kita, dan karena kita sudah dapatkan apa..? - I'll never forget, when Dex proposed all I could think about when he was down on one knee was that I wish Rachel was here watching me in this moment.
Aku tidak akan pernah lupa, ketika Dex melamar... Semua hal yang ada dibenakku ketika ia berlutut dengan satu kaki... Adalah, Aku berharap Rachel ada di sini - The film material stretch in the water, with four rollers to stay more time in the water, than the dirty material will be down on the tank, then go into low speed friction machine.
Bahan film terbentang di dalam air, dengan empat rol untuk bertahan lebih lama di dalam air, daripada bahan kotor akan turun di tangki, kemudian masuk ke mesin gesekan kecepatan rendah. - The music streaming service Spotify was down on Wednesday with many users reporting receiving error messages while trying to use the service. Users on mobile devices as well as using the desktop version of the service were reporting issues with search, playlist creation and the music …
Layanan streaming musik Spotify turun pada hari Rabu dengan banyak pengguna melaporkan menerima pesan kesalahan saat mencoba menggunakan layanan. Pengguna di perangkat seluler serta menggunakan versi desktop layanan melaporkan masalah dengan penelusuran, pembuatan daftar putar, dan musik ...